BL21(DE3) chemically Competent Cells
BL21(DE3): 10×100μl
pUC19(control vector): 10pg/μl
Store at –80°C
F- ompT hsdSB(rB- mB- ) gal dcm(DE3)
Alternative name
BL21 (DE3) chemically Competent Cells,BL21 (DE3) Competent E.coli Express Competent Cells, BL21 (DE3) chemically E.coli Express Express Competent Cells
Transformation Protocol
1. Inoculate a single colony from a freshly streaked plate into 5 ml of LB medium containing the appropriate antibiotic for the plasmid and host strain.
2. Incubate with shaking at 200 rpm at 37