pIRES2-EGFP-PIRB5(P234S,A237T,V839M) Plasmid
Catalog No. PVTB50053-2a
Vector Backbone pIRES2-EGFP
Backbone manufacturer Clontech
Vector type Mammalian Expression
Backbone size w/o insert 5300bp
Cloning site 5 Xho I
Site destroyed during cloning NO
Cloning site 3 BamH I
Bacterial resistance Kanamycin
Growth strain Top10
Growth temperature 37 Centigrade
High or low copy High Copy
Selectable markers Neomycin
Background Mammalian Expression vector of Mus musculus paired Ig-like receptor B(three points mutation P234S/A237T/V839M) with the unfused EGFP protein at the C-terminus
Gene Information
Alternative Gene Name Gp91; LIR-3; PIR-B; Lilrb3
Insert Gene name PIRB5(P234S,A237T,V839M)
Insert size 2526bp
Accessions U96693.1
Tag EGFP(C-term)
Species Mus musculus (house mouse)
Gene ID 18733